Much has been said about the upcoming North American solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. There are many guesses on social media of what might or might not happen. And no one knows exactly, but let me assure you that we will still be here on Monday afternoon.
There is no doubt that this will be a far reaching event, especially energetically. And it will reverberate in the days before and after. It is up to us to make this event a positive one for all of us – and YOU can help! Many places are offering meditations and humming sessions and intention circles – to use these energies for the highest good of humanity and our planet as a whole. But even if you can’t be at any of these, please watch your thoughts over this coming weekend and into the middle of next week, and make sure you stay in JOY and LOVE!
Here are a few events you can join if you wish:
- Humming Circle During the Eclipse with Dr Alex Ling (see video with Pam Gregory)
- Dieter Broers Intention Meditation (German)
- Solar Eclipse Celebration (CC Members Only – Become a Member here)
The solar eclipse will be starting around 11:07am PDT on Monday, April 8 over Mexico’s Pacific Ocean, sweep over many US states and exit continental North America on the Atlantic coast of Canada, at 5:16 pm NDT (NASA). Energies will be the most intense in the path of totality, but everyone on Earth will be part of this event.
Happy Solar Eclipse!